Wednesday, March 26, 2014


ROOTING of Android devices has been of late a developer option that has given many superuser permissions to modify their droids to their customized preferences which would otherwise be impossible in non-rooted phones

In  case you are wondering what rooting is, i will give you a head-start  to bring you up to speed.!
Rooting is the art of modifying your phone so that superuser permissions are granted which is in a nutshell described as giving your phone "root access".

You probably have tried installing some app and have been given a notice that the app requires root access...
Well your installation comes to an abrupt stop once the app detects your phone is not rooted or if the application installs it will not serve its intended purpose!
Such app that require root access are the likes of  screenshot, sdmaid, android assistant, ad away ,
add free, link2sd, s2e and the list continues......
If you have tried installing any of these apps without root access on your device then  i am sure the steps in rooting your android device below will be of much help in jail-breaking your droid!

steps in rooting your android device using kingo-root

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Many are the times whatapp users have found themselves sailing in a world of limited privacy. In most cases the " last seen" inscriptions on whatsapp status bar have given many the pleasure to stalk their oblivious friends.
While many find it quite a thriller and even sometimes consider themselves investigative gurus..this habit becomes  annoying to the affected parties who  would pay any dime to blindfold their rather insolent "friends" who wont  let u grab some oxygen with their unending and rather boring chats.

To the exhilaration of many whatsapp has extended its  privacy features which will allow users to chose if their so called "stalkers" will have the greencard to see their "last seen" status

Here is a quick navigation through this privacy  setting  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


   Got a phobia about ads?! well ... i will assume its a definite yes!
While many would find peace in scrolling through ad-free timelines, this is sometimes thwarted by the unceremonious pop-ups infamously tagged ads.
However annoying these ads may seem to be one has to act oblivious of their presence and keep their eyes on the prize ...Talk of beggers are not choosers ..but what are we even begging for in the first place if not the eradication of ads on all platforms we encounter them!
 Now here comes the bombshell ...
To the dismay and perplex of many if not  all instagramers ,now instagram will be offering more features than users had bargained for  .

Immediately you see sponsored tags on an instagram image instead of the time of post...then there you have it ... u have successfully been ushered  to the instagrams world of ads.
Change is plausible at times when the end product is something to fuss over ...but the introduction of ads to instagram is like adding red hot pepper to an exquisitely prepared cuisine...only beneficial to limited minority !
Facebooks grand plan is to introduce ads to instagram with the interest of generating more revenue .Dont forget the fact that instagramers have been using the app for free!.Its about time facebook spread its wings wider if is to remail stable in its operation!
Its always about the pennies no matter how small ..they cumulatively build up to bundles of joyous reaping to parties involved!
 FACBOOK  however is assuring instagramers that they will only showcase their ads on high quality advertisements on web on mobile and apps carefully maintaining  the desired user experience without ruining  the thrill earlier experienced on its user interface!
Tis will take effect sooner or later starting with the United states and mayb spreading all over the globe!
Well lets wait and see!
