Saturday, January 24, 2015


Whatsapp being a renowned IM  in the social messaging platform has its consumption and number users incrementing by the day! This is good news to the whatsapp  developers community but other developers wouldn't mind sharing the glory that comes therein. Since the inception of whatsapp and with its continued success,with over 700 million users, other developers have been catapulting their programming skills to a whole new echelon in a bid to modify Whatsapp and add into it more appealing nitty-grittys that may render it finger-licking...i mean with all those modified emojis and a galore of customizations in whatsapp PLUS a message sent to you could sumptuously  look edible!.

 I will give regards to the whatsapp plus developers since they really brought on board features that were quite blissful rendering the experience quite euphoric! Read Tips andTricks in Whatsapp Plus for a sneak-peak of what whatapp plus had put on the table and that which whatsapp couldn’t offer at the time.


Whatsapp has since denounced whatapp plus and branded it an unscrupulous and dubious application that they do not approve of. Below is a reply  to a FAQ that was posted to them.

Whatapp plus has now been branded an outcast, a spoilt kid that  must be apprehended if not grounded! .Whatsapp community is actually telling you to throw your whatsapp plus in the bin, and not in a recycle bin  this time because they will need you to let it be a bygone for good! Yes like those two colossal mammary glands you always suckled ferociously oblivious that milk could actually be bought in the dairies.
So whatsapp is telling you to play the loyal damsel and stick to their official whatspp which is found in the playstore or their official website.  Whatsapp is doing this to deliberately fasten the leash on unauthorized use of whatsapp source code and thereby validating the security measures provided in the whatsapp user rights. Encryption is consequently upheld and private information kept safe.
Speculatively this could also be a move to maximize on the future advertising revenue. This is after a successful end to end encryption on its services.













 Now here comes the interesting part which some of you might consider comically absurd don't have a choice you either have to use the official whatsapp application or don’t use your phone! It’s that simple! I think some people render their phone useless without whatsapp. If you act the insubordinate kid who doesn’t want to use the official version those guys will actually trigger a time-bomb of some kind on your whatspp. You will be banned from using whatspp for the specified period! 

So the next time you see the above interface on your whatsapp , the whip has actually been cracked on you and that will serve as a punishment for your misplaced loyalty!
Speculations will always be there but lets face it Whatsapp calls the shots here so bow down or your derriere will get smacked with a periodic ban from whatsapp.
Dont you worry guys even whatapp knows these girls ain't loyal! so let whatsapp inculcate that loyalty in them!

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Now let’s face it you can’t please everyone, but that thought seems a bitter drug for some to swallow. This is why some breed of homo sapien sapien will incessantly indulge and engage in instant messaging platforms that might render them insolent to the other party. In most cases the most affected party is usually the male gender.
 This virile species which still draws its zeal from the hypothesis that "it’s a patriarchal world" will play the harp and expect all the damsels and vixens to dance to the tune regardless of whether the music is pugnaciously irksome! Some fellows are too engrossed in pursuing others with the ultimate goal of being the instant socialite  . These people will continuously bombard you with messages to the point of inducing you with migraines. They will not let you breathe subsequently serving you with an ultimatum, its either you entertain them or breath in oxygen... for me? Fill in my cup with that oxygen regardless!
Everyone should learn that you cannot always have your way! If someone decides to ignore you accept the fact that you are impertinent and divert your relevance to something more useful, like online dating... those lonely love-deficient fellows might actually entertain you provided you are online! You actually deserve better move on.

That said I come to the topic of the day... If you think you possess the quality of being a cocky and impudent fellow on whatsapp, then its time you either check or have an affirmation that you have been blocked or have being told…. "Your judgment is now rendered impaired you can now start talking to yourself "... in a rather civilized manner!






There are three indications that will actually raise the red flag that you have been blocked.

  1.The last seen date time stamp.

In this case if the last seen time stamp remains the same for an elongated period of time then it might be an indication you have been shut. However this might not be an absolute indication of you being blocked since the introduction of the "hide last seen" feature allows for this camouflage.




 2.The double check marks

 These two ticks that show that a message has been sent and received respectively are another emergency signal! If you send a message and only one check mark shows periodically.., then maybe you are close to affirming that you have been blocked.






3.Changes to the profile picture and the profile

 If the profile picture remains the same for weeks or even months which is not usually the case considering the other party changes the picture every time they take bath, then the probability that you’ve been blocked   just moved to a higher echelon   Consider checking their profile and if the status does not change then you probably are in for the dooms day.

4. All these revelations might however not be convincing till you try this final step! Use your friends phone to check if indeed the above profile has changed yet your phone gives you the same view.
That will definitely drill the last nail on your coffin and you will know beyond reasonable doubt you have been given a BOOT! Try not being pugnacious next time play the good kid and technology will be merciful to you!

And they still say to themselves "why do bad things happen to good people?" well it might be Karma!